So it's tax day. Doesn't mean a ton to me other than a check from the feds that should cover next months rent. Super.
What does mean something to me is this tea party crap. The whole attempt at making the historic Boston Tea Party represent the taxation and spending of today is a little outrageous. The colonists didn't choose their representatives, we do... go vote if you're effin' PO'ed. Rick Santelli is pissed... so is most of middle and lower class America, there was no real person behind this whole "movement", aside from CNBC which is completely incomparable to the framers of the flippin' Constitution. And hey conservative America, yeah, shit is bad and griping about it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside but none of you have offered up any real solutions other than "let them fucking fail" (in reference to the banks, the stock market, the auto industry, the poor, the hungry, etc.).
It's called the Social Contract Theory, google it. Give up a little to get a lot back. A couple thousand dollars in tax money isn't jack compared to having freedom, life, and liberty. Pick up a book about what life is like for women in Afghanistan or Iraq and then tell me how hard life is these days.
PS- by the way, if you're really that upset and in that much financial trouble how about not taking off work to go spend money on processed tea to dump in whatever puddle is nearest to your local governmental establishment.
He just called you a loser:
holy shit. he said we should spend a trillion dollars an hour sarcastically. isnt that about what we spend in Iraq and Afghanistan already?
ReplyDeleteby the way em, nice blog.
you should check mine out sometime as well
hope utah is treating you well.