A good friend at work has just received news that her husband's colon cancer (which had been removed, treated with chemo and radiation, and all tests have come back negative since) has actually grown back into a baseball sized tumor that has wrapped around his aorta. The surgeons have removed 99% of it and will restart chemo and radiation therapy. Aside from the whole cancer scare (an idea that hits more close to home than I'd like to admit) the worst part is that his tests continuously came back negative... meaning either they aren't effective or the cancer is stage 4 and a tumor that size grew within 3 months.
Both of my parents have lost their jobs due to the poor economy. Both are receiving unemployment checks and should be financially stable for at least the time being. On a selfish note, this means I'm left without any source of funding for living expenses or school from anyone but myself. Student loans take time and having little/no credit has made getting a credit card a relatively hard task. I've transferred to the community college here for the semester while I wait for my student loans to be processed. Luckily, I'm eligible for in-state tuition and have received some scholarship money.
I suppose events like these force you to remember that things could always be a whole lot worse. I'll be keeping my friends and family in my thoughts and keep believing things will eventually fall into place.

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