The course was one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. It started at about 7000 feet up in the mountains, it's been raining for the past week so everything is green and some clouds were hanging on the peaks... majestic fo' shizzle. After running 3 miles down a small canyon we turned on to the Riverwoods Trail which follows the Provo River and goes past Bridal Vale Falls, it's all shaded and nicely paved. It should have been my best time because it was a great downhill/flat course.
Reasons the PACU girls didn't do as well as last week:
-The hospital has been crazy busy this week so we were all beat
-Apparently we spend enough time together that our periods have synced... therefor cramping and bloating ensued
-I'm getting sick from not eating enough carbs (trying to drop the pound-age)
-... and I'm out of excuses
I was hoping to run 9.5 minute splits since last weekend I was at 9.9 but I ended up running at 10.01... pretty disappointing. Not bad considering there was conversation at mile 4.5 about "I just want to walk this fucker" and "Oh, I feel like shit" and "I really don't want to play anymore". All in all everyone did well, no racing till the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon (July 18th).
PS- my quads are getting a little rediculous... I can only imagine what they'd look like if I started riding my bike and got a tan. Daaayum.