Made my way to a Sox game, super fun (and cold). They won, I got to hang out with an old friend, and it was super rad being around real people. Salt Lake is so sterile and doesn't have much culture outside of Temple Square. I didn't realize how much I missed diversity.
My Dad and I rented a pair of 29'ers and went up to Kettle Moraine. We rode the the John Muir blue trail, the connector trail, and the Emma trail for a total of about 24 miles. Those trails are filled with all kinds of flow-y goodness and they're well maintained. It was pretty awesome to ride with my pops, even though he still kicks my ass (embarrassing). We had a few beers and ended up bringing home a Gary Fisher Cobia. Oh, and he totally hit a tree.
My little broha is growing up... and my mother is shrinking. I was able to make it to Eric's band concert but missed his prom pictures.
Aside from all of that trip biznass I finally found out I got into the Chequamegon 40! 40 mile mountain bike race in northern Wisconsin. Around 2000 racers, only about 150 of them are women. It's been called the roadies off-road adventure because there's absolutely no technical but there is a lot of climbing, it's basically a road race on knobby's and grass. Last year's winner went an average of 19 mph... and it was all mud. My goal is to come close to what my Dad normally finishes it in, which is about 2 hours and 45 minutes. We'll see. I have to stop all of this running garbage and start riding more. Except for the fact that I'm registered for the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon (July) and the Moab Other Half Marathon (October). Apparently I have a bad habit of getting sucked into sporting events.

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