Even though the 100 day marker is the hallmark holiday of politics I'm still going to honor it with a blog post.
A major shout out and congratulations goes out to the American people and President Obama. 100 days in office, 100 days with an african american president, 100 days in a shit storm of a failing economy and an endless war. CNN announced that our president's approval rating is at 64% and DJ Associates reported a 54% rating in Utah. I'm proud of you conservative bastards.
A few of my favorite items on the new administration's 100 day agenda:
-Allowing the progression of stem cell research
-Executive order to close Gitmo
-Rebuilding foreign relations that the previous administration "tarnished" (ha!)
-Creating/protecting public land and making ignorant people aware that polution and global warming are real. (I had no idea people that dumb existed until I moved to UT)
-Interventions in the housing, banking, and auto industries (I'm treading very lightly over those issues)
Oh yeah, and his first signed piece of legislation was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act. Suck on that bizzle.